Planning the Crunch, Mr Rex and Distractions – 12-13th August 2021
Again on the morning of Thursday the 13th, I’ve woken a bit later but none the less enjoyed my Coffee and Walk followed by more Coffee and Meditation. I’m ready to go upstairs and work on Mr Rex.
Yesterday I planned EVERYTHING that needs to be done in order to get Mr Rex presentable in time for SAGE. It’s HUGE. I feel like I need to full many all-nighters just to get even. I’m definitely taking a hiatus after this. Well at least for this project. I of course have many other projects that are on hold for now. I’ll get back to them soon enough.
I need to accept that I go through phases and I’m a little crazy. I just need to pace myself and keep moving forward. I don’t have to rigidly make a weekly habit of everything. When the time calls for it, I can prioritise things.
Yesterday I found myself quite neurotic and distracted. I did however complete a decent amount of work on Mr Rex. I also had an order come so I had to complete that on time as well. Today and for the next week, there’s no excuse to be distracted. Crunch time is now!
I did have some negative experiences yesterday but I’m glad I have surplus enough esteem at this time to simply bounce back the next day instead of despairing for days, weeks, months or years as It felt like before. Just having a healthy mind really does make all the difference.
It’s difficult to join a community that there is constant negativity in. I’m making distance with those people and trying to follow my heart. I am a man who fits not into categories, this gives me perspective as I’m on the edge and I never fall into echo chambers, or at least not for long or too deeply. I always have my own dissenting mind and that is my strength. It’s what sets me aside from other people. I have so many creative ideas that It’s tough actually getting around to them all. It would be great if I was in a Director or Writer position at a creative company and I had to power to just come up with ideas and outsource immediately and get it done while I think of the next idea. I’m not at that stage yet but we’ll see.
Just gotta keep moving forward and see where this life takes me. Meditate and Enjoy Life.
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