Animating!!!, Call w Friend, Training Plum to Fly! – 24-25th August 2021

Animating!!!, Call w Friend, Training Plum to Fly! – 24-25th August 2021

Since I stopped hustling for Mr Rex I feel things have slowed down a bit. Time to hit the accelerator again.

This morning has been good so far. Woke up real early, food cooking right now, Coffee was great, walk was lovely with the twilight. The sun rises later now and will get later faster as we move out of summer time.

Yesterday I spent the early morning animating a gif of Melisa and Landers. The encounter that I always intended to be told in visuals. Some things in Mr Rex are best told visually rather than described in text. Where I can, I’d like to animate those parts and import them into the game. The gif is mmostly good, I’ll probably spend this morning improving them.

I was supposed to work on Star Boat today but I haven’t done anything. Whoops. I was to be fair busy doing some commissions, paid work. So I had to prioritise that.

I called an old friend about a project I am revising. Can’t say more but it’s exciting.

I also spent some time today training Plum to fly. Plum picked it up really quickly, It surprised me. I put out my arm and said “Come” and he would come immediately. I started with a short distance, only about 20cm but later was asking him to Come from the other side of my room where he’d have to fly a decently long distance. Since Plum started Malting his feathers have been growing back on his clipped wing, his clipped wing is half way to looking like his other wing but even that’s enough for him to fly in a straight line with good accuracy. It’s so satisfying watching Plum fly to my arm on command. I gave him loads of Millet that day.

Definitely the highlight of my day.

I watched FMAB as usual, in a month it’ll be over as I’m watching 1 ep per day so I’d better make the most of it. Great show!

I felt like I should’ve completed more work yesterday but in hindsight I didn’t do too badly considering the animating I did that morning was pretty solid. Although after I’m done journaling I’ll probably spent some time improving it.


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