SAGE Begins – 20-21st August 2021

SAGE Begins – 20-21st August 2021

Phew. It’s finally here. I have submitted Mr Rex to SAGE yesterday. I got up late this morning, I allowed myself to sleep in as I was working so hard recently. If I’m smart, I’ll go shopping this morning too. Today should be more relaxed than other days.

Yesterday, dawn til dusk I was working almost non-stop on Mr Rex. Getting it ready for SAGE. Bug fixes, improving minor things and major things. There was a game breaking bug in which you would talk to Derrick in Ep4 and nothing would happen, the issue with this is that when interacting with an NPC who doesn’t have a cut scene attached to him, he creates an empty cutscene and this prevents other cutscenes from happening. It’s a pain, I should really set a scene in the create event tbh, dunno why I haven’t done that yet. Anyways I made a new scene where Derrick says “I like cereal” and stuff.

I was getting messages by SAGE staff asking me to upload as I hadn’t done that yet, otherwise my page would get taken down. I didn’t mind if I missed the deadline and had to sit this one out but I’m glad I uploaded in time. I spent a couple of hours choosing screenshots and improving the page as much as I could. If it’s anything like last year the website may go down for a couple of days due to web traffic.

I’m not sure how much of my time will be spent on Mr Rex from here. I’ll try do a few hours each day still to keep the habit up, but my lifestyle will have me making time for my other projects and obligations. A certain other game needs developing that I can’t mention right now. I think I’ll make time for that, something I really want to do today is make a video / trailer for Mr Rex SAGE 2021. I haevn’t made a trailer since last year. I’d like to format it as a 1 minute 30 second-ish trailer and then a few minutes after of me just talking about the game on a personal level.

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