Website Updated! Relax and Spaghetti! – 22-23rd August 2021
As you may have noticed yesterday I updated the website to feature all my most important works on a single homepage. I used to code my website from scratch but really I want to focus on what I’m good at and what I enjoy doing more so I’ve outsourced to wordpress. WordPress I was unsure about at first but I’ve now realised it’s all I really need.
Yesterday I mostly spent relaxing with my bird. I didn’t do a whole lot after working on my site. I chatted with the Star Boat crew in the evening with Plum, that was fun. I’m looking forward to what comes out of this, they’re all very passionate people. I’l feeling re-energized to work on Star Boat. That I will be doing this week.
This morning I went shopping early and got some supplies. 5AM Coffee Walk again, I got up pretty early. I’m satisfied with that. Plum was having trouble last night, he was fidgeting on the cage wall for a few hours. Eventually I managed to get him off the wall and placed him on his usual perch. From there he was able to sleep, don’t know what was up with him but glad I was able to help him none the less. The changing daylight and screen time might be affecting his sleep and behaviour. It’s up to me to be disciplined with timings.
This morning after I got back I made a huge plate of Spaghetti Bolognese. Probably too much, I’ll eat it bit by bit today. It’s quite nice but VERY filling. Got to meditate, I’ve been doing that less recently so I’d like to pick up again. I used to do 40 minutes per day, 20 in the morning and 20 at night but since crunch time I’ve been doing 20 mins per day and yesterday Night I only did 12 (none that morning). So right now I need to realign myself with my meditation discipline.
Today is the day of recovering to a more normal schedule. I have a game to finish in the next two months and a TV show to post produce!
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