Mood Swing – 2-3rd September

Mood Swing – 2-3rd September

Got up real late this morning. Think I may have to take things slow, my mood is decently lower so I got to watch that. I haven’t done most of my morning routine yet. I dunno, I think it’s just one of those days. A few personal issues are messing up my emotions. In the end though I gotta work on this game consistently and fast.

Yesterday I did get some work done on the secret game, I went out to meet a friend so there was less time for development. No matter it was a good use of my time and gave me an excuse to go cycling, despite my not so great fitness I completely the cycle without too much issue. I ate some roadside blackberries on the way. They tasted better than the shop ones.

I really need to get into another relationship, it’s been nearly 3 years since my last relationship. It’s long overdue.

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