Mr Rex, Touhou, Pretty Good Day – 10-11th September 2021

Mr Rex, Touhou, Pretty Good Day – 10-11th September 2021

This morning hasn’t been perfect either but I’m feeling a lot better. This morning I made some progress on the game as usual. I’m journalling a bit later than usual in the early afternoon.

Yesterday was a way better day, I’m starting to mentally recover from the long streak of tricky things that has appeared to me over the past couple of weeks.

I worked on Mr Rex which felt great, hell yeah. My work on Mr Rex is the one and only thing I really care about with my life. I have to work on it daily or I am falling behind production and emotionally. Played some Touhou (Fairy Wars) for the first time in ages, I need some inspiration to bring Mr Rex to a state of looking less hacky. The bullet hell segments of the game need to be improved to the Nth degree and I know exactly what I need to do to make it happen. Just a matter of execution, I’ve been able to half ass it thus far but now I need a good system.

I worked a bit on the other game too. Started Watching Higurashi Kai, a show that I’ve been meaning to watch for years but never got around to it. Love is War Season 2 sucked tbh, I don’t think I’ll bother w S3 to be honest assuming there is one.

Generally things are looking on the up, I need to stop buying self help courses. Seriously, some of them are so poor in quality. I got one yesterday that was a 70 page document w text to speech audio. Rubbish, at least it’s motivating me a little to actually get my habits sorted.

That is all> My bacon is probably burning now. Gotta go get it!

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