Minecraft w Friend, Super DynoStory Work Continues and 2+2=4 – 26-27th September 2021

Minecraft w Friend, Super DynoStory Work Continues and 2+2=4 – 26-27th September 2021


Played Minecraft w a friend for much of the day. A week of silence and I got to socially interact with someone for a bit. Feels good man.

Worked on Super DynoStory in between us playing. I added power ups and to the map in this time. Feels good man. Sunday was a good day.

This morning was good too. Up early and did some preproduction for my Spooky Short Film. Got <month to go so I will in a relaxed way start gently chipping away at that project. 2+2=4 is a pretty big project, I’ll see if I can split it into 3 parts and get 1 part done each week. That’s probably the best way to go.

I’m journaling late again at 1500. That is all. Coffee was good, lunch was smaller. I really wonder how I used to fit such a big routine in the mornings for myself that involved: 30 min walk w Coffee, make lunch, write/animate/preprod work, meditation, journal and all intime for 10AM which is Plum’s waking time. Maybe I just don’t have the energy for it yet and I needth build momentum.

I’m really excited to get these two projects done. As soon as these are done, it’s back to Mr Rex and Star Boat! Possibly other things.